Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Karl Rove voted as in Contempt!

I've been waiting for something like this pretty much ever since I heard who Karl Rove is and all the wicked and underhanded things he's done in rigging campaigns, sabotaging opponents' campaigns, and generally making a worse mess of an already messy democracy.

Karl Rove was voted in contempt of court for failing to respond to a subpoena to appear before a committee to answer questions in the prosecution of former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman.

read the full story here.

Doing a little bit of research, it looks like this was another one of Rove's diabolical sabotages - Siegelman was the only democrat in the state government of Alabama, and they wanted to get rid of him. He's been lauded for making good policy, so the bribery doesn't fit his character description.

If there is a hell, Rove will no doubt take tea w/Fallwell.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How's this for lying?

So, with all the hullabaloo in the past two presidential elections, the justice department is remaining passive, sucking their thumbs at the evidence laid before them of fraud acts in voting machines.
Read the full story here.

And if you have a moment, watch this video on just how 'hard' it is to hack into a voting machine:

On another note, the British government is releasing UFO report information, and officials in the U.S. are calling for the Pentagon to show us our own country's records of activity. Will Durst may think it's humorous that a certain ex-Governor of Arizona would admit seeing one, but so many people have seen one that I think they should be removed from the context of trailer parks and rednecks a little bit. Whether world governments are just not telling us how advanced humanity's aircraft have become, or whether we really are being observed and examined, and occasionally abducted, by beings from another plant/galaxy/dimension, the things themselves exist. To solve the mystery of what something is, the presence of that thing must be acknowledged. To admit you've seen one is not the same as admitting you think they're extraterrestrials.

...and that's my rant for the day.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Ha! So, I visited this bitch's web site,, (dot COM, not dot org, upperclass twit laugh) and I'm not even going to repost this whole thing, it's just too ridiculous that this woman is getting covered on Fox and all the conservative media outlets like this blog:

and because my comment will pro'ly not get published, and I spent so much time on it:

Haha, thanks for covering this. Yeah, the Dems ditched "Lady Rothschild" because she is a sham and represents NOTHING of what the Democratic party ideally stands for. She's on the board for Estee Lauder and positively reaks w/her noble depravity. Ha! Unfortunately, ALL the major candidates from BOTH parties are ~95% likely in the pockets of big oil/banking/$$ - you may say that this is how things are supposed to go, but I have a problem w/the idea of being a wage slave - *don't you??* Didn't we fight the Revolution for change in the system? This transcends 'right' and 'left'. This is about the fate of humanity. Grain prices have pretty much doubled since 2006. Think on it.

And here's some other, more important stuff.

(I promise I did not name this blog after this site:)