Monday, June 16, 2008

I found this on a truth site dedicated to an unidentified flying object site around the towers which may or may not be a plane. See more images here.

On another note, I am starting to wonder if all this alien presence business is real. Supposedly 14% of people surveyed said they have had encounters w/UFOs. I have, too. How many of us are out there who never admit it?

I'll have to post my own encounter at some point, a memorate for whoever reads this. Apparently some 11/13 year olds (wtf, mate?) do. But luckily so do intelligent people w/a sharp sense of humo(u)r. Or is anything as it seems on the web?

My cat's really sick. I've been kind of preoccupied with it. I don't want to lose her - she's a year and a half old - I feel like she deserves a chance, and guilty as hell that something we've done has made her sick. Keeping chemicals under the sink? Not catering to her taste for wet food soon enough? It seems like she's just turned down everything. Searching through all this shit that's on the web for wedding plan ideas at the same time, I just see all these high society bull shit blogs about Faye and Greer (whoever the fuck they are), and it just makes me feel anonymous. Kind of lost. Disconnected? Sure.

Yeah, I rant. But that's my news for today. Oh, yeah. And I was hit by a car. I've spilled on my bike before, but this is the first time I have been hit. By a car. The car wasn't going very fast, and neither was I, too bad for me, but he just went 'tap' and I went 'whoomp' *crash* What's going on in the stars? Is life telling me to hurry up, or slow down? I have to be poised for action at just the right moment.

Not so fun.
Join us for the next installation in Faustina's Freaky Fun House!

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