Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Political Mucky Muck

There is a pretty sizable debate now swirling around some notes I've posted on facebook, mostly now between my husband and some of my friends from high school. Before this debate picked up, I thought my views reflected the truth behind the election: Obama/Biden are not completely blameless, but they would better lead this country than McCain/ Palin.

Then I visited a page on Cynthia McKinney.


All these people claim to have our country's best interests in mind. All of them are using rhetoric to garner public attention. Why am I more likely to trust McKinney? She's actually been against the Iraq war from the beginning, for one. She raised questions about 9/11 before the commission report, for another. She's a non-CFR member and has some experience as Senator in Georgia.

Why do people think it's so important to have wartime experience or longstanding political experience to run the country? Grass-roots political work, community organization, small business management, and know-how should be all you need. Someone with years of political experience who never stepped on another continent in their lifetime ("You can see Russia from the coast of Alaska") or is unfamiliar with the war in Iraq should not be counted as a 'good candidate'. Radical ideas are not a detriment to this society - it's what our nation was founded on. Radical fundamentalism is a sure threat.

How do we fight a war when the biggest weapon is the media, and the media is out of the people's hands almost completely?

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