Thursday, April 15, 2010

Join the Beer Party Movement

Are you sick of your preferred beverages being co-opted by political movements? Tea has been taken by the far right. Coffee by the moderate left.

Does this piss anyone else off? I don't want to think about how so many people don't know what fascism is (and how it differs from socialism) when drinking a cup of oolong tea, dammit! I don't want to think about opening respectful lines of communication with government representatives no matter what I think of their policies when I'm drinking my morning coffee either (coffee time is sacred to me - it's between me and the coffee and the morning sun)

I do not want to have a mental association with a political movement of any kind when I drink a goddamn beverage!

Hence, the Beer Party Movement.

What are the politics of the beer party movement?

Leave that shit at the door. The beer party movement is about enjoying the evening, since the preferred morning beverages have been co-opted by political ideologies.

I believe that beer is neutral. Left, Right, Statist, Libertarian, beer is for everyone. Beer is about the moment. Enjoy it. Live in it. Let's tell some jokes, let's bitch about our jobs (or lack of jobs), let's leave the politics to be discussed another time. Beer is neutral. Let's keep it that way.

B.E.E.R. - Beverage Equality is Everyone's Right.

Who's with me?


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