Monday, July 12, 2010

Media Blackout (Don't Shit Where You Eat)

Life as we know it has come to an end in the Gulf of Mexico.

A whole fleet of Chevron workers surrounded documentary filmmaker James Fox as he entered a corner store in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. "They're watching me, but they're not interacting with me at all."

"They will even arrest, I was told, off camera, if they are caught talking to a reporter, they are going to jail," Fox told Veritas internet radio show:

CNN has been told by the National Guard to stop filming Animal Response Teams, even though they had been given permission to film by the National Fish and Wildlife Service. Rescue workers have been told they will be fired if they speak to the media:

"Why the silence?" This is probably an attempt to keep people from knowing and therefore speaking out. This is ridiculous! What can we do?

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